Turn research into an interactive report

With this unique format, long, technical reports are turned into into user-friendly experiences.

An interactive report is for you if...

  • Your final report is 50+ pages and difficult to absorb
  • You want your audience to navigate through all the sections of your report
  • You want to create a user-friendly experience for your readers

Think of an interactive report as a pdf where you can click through the sections. Readers can navigate the document like a mini-website. absorbing information more easily.

Turn your research into an interactive report
Turn your research into an interactive report

Interactive reports present large amounts of information in user-friendly ways.

You’ve written an 100-page report. And you really want to make sure that your target audience gets through every section. Or that they are at least able to navigate to the section that is most relevant to them.

Interactive reports can help to structure the information in digestible ways. You can segment the content and make it much easier to navigate.

By turning research into an interactive report you effectively create a mini-website within a pdf. This is a standalone document that users can access offline and refer back to when needed.

Organisation: The Stabilisation Unit, UK Government
Topic: Gender and strategic communications
Audience: Communication officers, strategic decision-makers

Create an infographic from your research

Organisation: Public Health England & University of Warwick
Topic: Toolkit for applying
behavioural science
to barriers in
reproductive health
Audience: Public health professionals, strategic stakeholders

Organisation: The Stabilisation Unit, UK Government
Topic: Monitoring, learning and envaluation (MEL) in conflict and stabilisation settings
Audience: MEL professionals in these fields

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