Our mission

Our research support services help researchers and evaluators engage with decision makers through creative, accessible and actionable visual storytelling formats.

Research Retold research support services

Our mission

Our research support services help researchers engage with decision makers through creative, accessible and actionable visual storytelling formats.

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We’re helping researchers worldwide

We’ve worked with researchers in universities, government bodies and research organisations in the UK and internationally.


We’re proud suppliers of universities, government and research organisations:

Visual impact of our research support services

We want research to make a bigger impact

Every year, roughly £6bn is invested in UK research (UKRI), but decision-makers aren’t making the most of the findings.

Often, key stakeholders such as councils and funding bodies can’t see through the jargon to understand how research applies to them, their plans, or their projects.

Supporting researchers with our services

We unlock the potential of that research

We capture the essence of research, then retell the most important information with accessible language and helpful visual aids.

For policy makers, NGOs, public sector officials, civil servants and the general public, once dense findings become easy to grasp and understand. Now, it’s something they can use.

Working with us means having a partner that gets excited about your research and is passionate to bring it to life with creative visuals. By communicating your findings in accessible and creative ways, we maximise the reach of your research to targeted stakeholders.

Read our blogpost on what the process of retelling research entails

Cartoon render of the Research Retold SEO

“Research Retold was not the result of an ‘Aha!’ moment, but rather me connecting disparate dots into a unique service which solved a genuine problem. I gained professional experience in Brussels and trained as a social scientist and data scientist.

Researchers in my department needed to present their findings and I figured out a way to solve that need by using my skills at the time… Years later, we’ve seen this need grow and we’ve expanded our capacity to deliver projects, creating a whole suite of research support services.

Since 2017, we have grown a team of trusted associates, made up of experienced research communicators and graphic designers, who bring the projects to life using our tried-and-tested process. We play to our strengths and operate remotely, making us very responsive to our clients’ needs.”

Mihaela Gruia, Founder and Director, Research Retold

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Career paths after a PhD

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Telling a story with data

Read how we created a bespoke research communication course to help accounting researchers communicate their findings.

Making your research visible

Read how we created a bespoke research communication course to help accounting researchers communicate their findings.

Research communication course

Read how we created a bespoke research communication course to help accounting researchers communicate their findings.

Creating a policy brief series

In this blog, we share our experience of producing a policy brief series for the University of Durham of current issues impacting society.

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