Join our first IG Live

by | Mar 30, 2020 | Blogposts

In this blog post, we share the details of hosting our first IG live on our Instagram account, and how you can join us.

Living in a global pandemic has forced us to live in quarantine and self-isolation. This has left us all needing a little bit more connection and engagement with the outside world.

Social media has recently provided us with an excellent space for connection and conversation. So we want to take this opportunity to connect more closely with our community.

We launched our Instagram account last year and have welcomed 128 of you into our community. Do you want to see how you can join our first Instagram Live?

Keep reading!


Join our first IG live

We would like to know you better and start a conversation.

So tomorrow, the 31st of March 2020, at 5pm, founder and director Mihaela Gruia will host our first IG live talking about why and how she started Research Retold.

Mihaela previously shared her insights about how Research Retold was founded in conferences or media, but this is the opportunity to engage with our social media audience in a live space, where you can share your questions and ideas!

Join our first IG live

We welcome you to join us with a cup of tea and ask questions.

Hope to see you there!

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