Create a one pager from your research

For one pagers, the definition is in the name. You really must limit yourself to one side of A4. This makes one pagers an appealing format for researchers who are engaging with time poor audiences that need to get the gist of the research at a glance.

A one pager is for you if...

  • You are addressing a time-poor audience
  • You can articulate key messages concisely
  • You want to quickly share insights with your audience

One pagers are especially useful when engaging with businesses. One of our clients shared:

“My number one tip for researchers when it comes to engaging with businesses would be to keep it simple simple – KISS! – if you wish to maximise your appeal. More detailed analysis can always be used as a follow up once businesses have expressed an initial interest.” 

Tony Carroll, Business Development Manager, Warwick University


Create a research comic

Keep it simple simple with a one pager of your research.

Say what you have to say in 300 words. Get to the heart of your message and articulate your points clearly in a one pager.

Sometimes the most important messages only need a few words to be said. By creating a one pager of your research you respect your audience’s time and communicate the essential ideas from your work.

Remember: more detail can always be used as a follow up once your audience has expressed an interest in knowing more.

University: University of York
Topic: Manifesto for the Early Career Researchers group
Audience: Researchers

Create an infographic from your research

Organisation: Fairtrade International
Topic: Gender equality
Audience: Businesses

Organisation: University of Leeds
Topic: Mass atrocity crimes
Audience: Policymakers, researchers

Organisation: Universities of Leeds, Manchester, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Topic: Performance-based financing in global health
Audience: Academics, health professionals, policymakers

Organisation: University of Leeds
Topic: Entrepreneurship and poverty
Audience: Academics

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