How to deliver a successful virtual workshop via Zoom
In this blog post, we share a three-step process on how to deliver a successful virtual workshop via Zoom. This post is organised in a before, during and after structure to make it easy for you to implement. The COVID19 pandemic has forced us to adapt and adjust our...
Transitioning to online delivery in the virtual classroom
In this blog post, Anne-Marie Greenslade shares her tips for transitioning to online delivery of content in the virtual classroom. Anne -Marie previously wrote a blog post on presenting sensitive information in creative ways Success in the virtual...
Online viva – Reflections and advice from the front line
In this blog, we hear from Gemma Bridge and Debbie Smith who recently delivered their online viva. Their reflections and insights can help reduce the worries of PhD students preparing for their online vivas in these unusual times. So many changes have happened because...
Presenting sensitive information in creative ways
In this blog, Anne-Marie Greenslade discusses presenting sensitive information in creative ways, striking the balance between sensitivity and making an impact. I met Anne-Marie after delivering the keynote speech for the Research and Enterprise conference at Leeds...
Join our first IG Live
In this blog post, we share the details of hosting our first IG live on our Instagram account, and how you can join us. Living in a global pandemic has forced us to live in quarantine and self-isolation. This has left us all needing a little bit more connection and...
Reasons to undertake an internship whilst doing a PhD
In this blog, our research communicator and PhD student Gemma Bridge shares three reasons to undertake an internship whilst doing a PhD. This is the last of three posts on Gemma's experience of doing an internship alongside her PhD. The three posts cover: the process...
Challenges of doing an internship alongside a PhD
In this blog, our research communicator and PhD student Gemma Bridge shares three challenges of doing an internship alongside a PhD. This is the second of three posts about Gemma's experience of doing an internship alongside her PhD. Together the three posts cover:...
Finding an internship whilst doing a PhD
In this blog, our research communicator and PhD student Gemma Bridge shares her experience of finding an internship whilst doing a PhD. Gemma previously contributed to our blog talking about the juggling act of a PhD student, managing personal and professional...
Rethinking impact in academic publishing #STMWeek 2019
In this blog, I share four ways in which publishers were challenged in rethinking the impact of academic publishing. 'Impact' has become a buzzword in academia. It is key to the UK Research Excellence Framework and it’s regarded as a key metric of success for...
Three reasons why presenting research in theatre is powerful
In this blog post, we share three reasons why presenting research in theatre is powerful. The inspiration for this blog came from watching the play ‘SHE’ at stage@leeds at the University of Leeds. The play depicted the lives of several women inventors and their...
Speaking at the research seminar series at Swansea University
In this blog post, I share my experience of speaking at the research seminar series at Swansea University, School of Management. The topic of my seminar was communicating research beyond academia. This was a collaboration with Dr Cigdem Gedikli, Lecturer in Accounting...
Organising our first meetup
In this blog post, we share our experience of organising our first meetup on communicating research. Although this was the first time we organised an event like this, based on the feedback we received from the participants, it was very successful. Here we cover three...
Celebrating our two year anniversary
In this blog post, we share an exciting update about celebrating our two year anniversary. To mark the event, we launched two exciting products and a fundraiser for Getaway Girls. 1. Launching an exciting collaboration As an entrepreneur, I firmly believe that...
Workshop at the Leeds Social Sciences Institute
This month I delivered an interactive workshop at the Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI). To make this workshop happen, we collaborated with Katie Barclay, LSSI Communications and Events Coordinator. This was our flagship workshop on ‘Communicating research beyond...
Our interns reflect on their half way journey
Our internship programme began on the 6th of September 2019. Our interns, Nida and Grace are taking the time to reflect on their halfway journey. In this blog post, we get to know their challenges and learning opportunities and what they are excited about in the next...
Recent Posts
How to run a virtual conference in 13 steps
To discuss how to run an engaging virtual conference, we’re collaborating with Diego Bermudez, a PhD student at Cardiff University. Diego’s research focuses on developing resiliency and sustainability in payment technologies, and he is based at the Cardiff Business...
Work and life balance during the PhD
Doing a PhD can be quite demanding, and at times, it can seem as if it absorbs all your time and energy. How can you achieve a work and life balance during the PhD? Here we collaborated with Phebe L. Bonilla P. from the University of Sheffield to discuss the value of...
Happy New Year! Our plans and intentions for 2021
Happy New Year and we hope you have all had a restful break. 2020 is a year we can all agree we can put behind, in the hope that 2021 brings more joy and light. As we step into the new year, we are looking forward to continuing to serve our community and providing...
Our review of 2020
It’s that time of the year when we can look back and reflect on how 2020 has been for us. In this blog post, we share the highlights of our year and some honest reflections on how it’s been. A huge thank you to our clients, new and old associates and blog...
Our unique collaboration with McMaster University in Canada
In this blog post, we share our first and unique collaboration with McMaster University. We cover the context of the collaboration, the unique format and content that we delivered for them, and the impact it has achieved. We hope this blog post inspires you to think...
Making research accessible: Six top tips for accessible communication
In this blog, Josephine Haagen shares her top six tips for making research accessible. Josephine is a recent Liberal Arts graduate from the University of Leeds, and she is passionate about research communication and working with data. Research and accessible...
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