In this blog, our research communicator and PhD student Gemma Bridge shares three reasons to undertake an internship whilst doing a PhD. This is the last of three posts on Gemma’s experience of doing an internship alongside her PhD. The three posts cover: the...
In this blog, our research communicator and PhD student Gemma Bridge shares three challenges of doing an internship alongside a PhD. This is the second of three posts about Gemma’s experience of doing an internship alongside her PhD. Together the three posts...
In this blog, our research communicator and PhD student Gemma Bridge shares her experience of finding an internship whilst doing a PhD. Gemma previously contributed to our blog talking about the juggling act of a PhD student, managing personal and professional...
In this blog, I share four ways in which publishers were challenged in rethinking the impact of academic publishing. ‘Impact’ has become a buzzword in academia. It is key to the UK Research Excellence Framework and it’s regarded as a key metric of success...
In this blog post, we share three reasons why presenting research in theatre is powerful. The inspiration for this blog came from watching the play ‘SHE’ at stage@leeds at the University of Leeds. The play depicted the lives of several women inventors and their...